Exposure monitoring – Reassurance that your equipment is functioning within agreed safety margins.
Envirotech Europe has always considered it has a duty of care to its loyal and new customers and VOC monitoring is an issue we take seriously. As an employer, it’s your job to ensure that you correctly control the personal exposure levels of staff to a wide range of chemicals, substances and even radiation.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 places a duty on the employers to undertake assessments to evaluate the risks to health when using hazardous substances in the workplace.

We have portable test equipment that logs the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC’s) content in the air from various strategic positions around your degreasing equipment, including the operator position.
This kit is based on very accurate photoionization detectors (PID) designed to constantly log the quality of the atmosphere and keep your workers safe.
We would generally test for a full shift, analyse the data and report back within a few weeks with any suggestions for improvement.
Reassurance that your equipment is functioning within agreed safety margins and that any emissions into the working environment surrounding the machine are within prescribed limits.
A check that the ProSolv 5408e, EnSolv® CC-A or ProSolv system is operating economically and with the minimum of wastage. We can still carry out the testing for you even if you are using an alternative solvent.
For more information please contact: sales@envirotech-europe.com
Please visit www.envirotech-europe.com for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.
For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form.
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