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EnviroTech  Europe Ltd
A Complete Range Of Metal Cleaning And Surface Treatment Solutions

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Replacements for 3M™ Novec™ Solvents from EnviroTech Europe

replacements for 3M Novec solvents

A range of drop-in replacements for 3M™ Novec™ solvents

In December 2022, 3M™ announced their plans to stop producing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in its product line by the end of 2025. This phase-out affects the following 3M™ product lines: 3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluids 3M™ Fluorinert™ Electronic Liquids


At Envirotech Europe we can offer replacements with our ProSolv® range for all 3M™ Novec™ solvent cleaning fluids. We understand the uniqueness of every precision cleaning application and provide free on-site visits, technical support and cleaning trials when required.

We can provide a full assessment of your current precision cleaning process to put in a plan to help ensure a seamless transition.

Future-proof your cleaning process with our new ProSolv® range additions.

We have added several cost effective and efficient precision cleaning process formulations to our range of ProSolv® vapour degreasing solvents, offering an immediate drop in replacements for the 3M™ Novec™ engineered fluids.

ProSolv HFE Replacements

Introducing ProSolv®5408e, a next generation PFAS free fluorinated solvent offering low GWP and zero ODP.

ProSolv® 5408e is a next generation PFAS free fluorinated solvent offering low Global Warming Potential (GWP) & zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). A general multi-purpose vapour degreasing cleaning solvent that can act as an immediate drop-in replacement for most of the 3M™ Novec™ engineering fluids. We can also deliver an exact formulation replacement of your current solvent should that be your requirements.

EnviroTech Europe have many years of experience and our experts are available to guide you through your solvent cleaner changeover procedures or to advise on equipment. We have extensive partnerships with equipment manufacturers through our global distributors and can provide information and advice on solvents and solvent systems.



Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for ProSolv® 5408e.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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The importance of corrosion protection for electric vehicles

corrosion protection for electric vehicles

The importance of corrosion protection for electric vehicles

Corrosion protection is as important for electronic vehicles (EVs) as it is in traditional petrol/gasoline powered vehicles. However, there are some unique factors to consider when it comes to avoiding corrosion problems in electric vehicles:

Battery Enclosure and Connections:

EVs have large, heavy battery packs that are typically enclosed in a protective housing. This enclosure and its connections can be particularly susceptible to corrosion, especially in regions with high humidity or exposure to road salt. Corrosion in the battery enclosure or on electrical connections can affect the performance and safety of the vehicle.

Charging Infrastructure:

Charging equipment, especially in public charging stations, can be exposed to the elements. The connectors, plugs, and wiring can corrode over time. This can lead to issues with charging reliability and safety concerns.

Cooling Systems:

Many EVs use liquid cooling systems to manage the temperature of the battery. The components in these systems, such as radiators and coolant lines, are vulnerable to corrosion. The resulting leaks or blockages in the cooling system can potentially lead to overheating and reduced battery life.

Underbody and Frame:

Just like traditional vehicles, EVs have underbody components such as the chassis, suspension, and brake components that are susceptible to corrosion, especially if the vehicle is driven in areas where roads are salted during winter. Corrosion can weaken the structural integrity of the vehicle.

Electrical Contacts and Connectors:

Electrical connectors and contacts throughout the vehicle can corrode, leading to issues with sensors, lights, and other electrical systems. This can affect overall performance and safety.

Material Longevity:

EVs often incorporate a variety of materials, including metals and alloys, in their construction. Corrosion can significantly reduce the lifespan of these materials, leading to premature failure of crucial components. Protecting against corrosion ensures the durability and reliability of the vehicle over time.

Safety Concerns:

Corrosion can compromise the structural integrity of a vehicle, posing safety risks for occupants. In an EV, where advanced technologies and high-voltage systems are prevalent, maintaining structural integrity becomes even more critical. Proper corrosion protection helps mitigate these concerns.

Performance and Efficiency:

Corrosion on electrical components, connectors, and conductive elements can hinder the performance and efficiency of an EV. For instance, corrosion on battery terminals may increase electrical resistance, leading to reduced energy transfer efficiency and overall performance. Ensuring corrosion-free connections is vital for maintaining optimal efficiency.

Cost Savings:

Corrosion-related damage can result in expensive repairs and replacements. By investing in effective corrosion protection measures, manufacturers and owners can avoid these costs, contributing to the overall economic viability of electric vehicles.

Environmental Impact:

EVs are often considered more environmentally friendly than traditional vehicles. However, if corrosion leads to premature scrapping of EVs or frequent replacement of components, it can undermine their environmental benefits. Proper corrosion protection helps maintain the longevity of EVs, reducing their overall environmental impact.

Maintaining Resale Value:

Corrosion damage can significantly reduce the resale value of a vehicle. As EVs become more common in the used car market, maintaining corrosion protection becomes essential for preserving the value of these vehicles over time.

Regulatory Compliance:

Different regions have regulations and standards regarding vehicle safety. Corrosion protection is often a requirement to meet these standards and ensure that EVs adhere to guidelines.

Aesthetic Considerations:

Corrosion can also affect the appearance of a vehicle. For EV manufacturers who emphasize design and aesthetics, ensuring that the vehicle maintains its visual appeal over time is crucial for customer satisfaction.

To mitigate and address corrosion issues in EVs, manufacturers take the various measures, including the use of corrosion-resistant materials, applying protective coatings and sealants to prevent moisture and salt exposure, regular maintenance and warranty coverage. It’s important for EV owners to follow manufacturer recommendations for maintenance and care, as well as be aware of their local environmental conditions. Proper care and maintenance can help reduce the risk of corrosion and ensure the longevity and safety of the vehicle. Additionally, addressing corrosion issues promptly can prevent them from becoming more serious and costly problems in the long run.

In summary, implementing corrosion protection measures for electronic vehicles should be based on specific circumstances and environmental conditions. Corrosion protection is fundamental for the long-term performance, safety, and sustainability of electric vehicles. It addresses not only technical and safety considerations but also contributes to the overall economic and environmental viability of EVs in the automotive market.

SuperCORR A Specialist Barrier Film Corrosion Protection

SuperCORR A - Corrosion Inhibitor

EnviroTech Europe supplies advanced corrosion protection products, based on approved synthetic materials, to provide quality solutions to a diverse range of lubrication and corrosion problems. SuperCORR A  is a unique and proprietary formulation with long-lasting, anti-corrosion inhibitors providing a superior lubrication coefficient and protection against moisture, wear, general and fretting corrosion, static electricity, corona, and other electro migration problems. The non-flammable film is only 7 microns (0.007mm) in thickness, is not a wax or oil-based product and is formulated without sulphates, chlorides, petroleum-based material, or halogens, to meet the EU RoHS directive.

SuperCORR A  is unexcelled in preventing failures of electrical systems and electronic equipment caused by corrosion as well as preventing the corrosion of metal components surfaces, including those of components comprised of dissimilar metals such as those found in aerospace environments.The ability to displace water from exposed contacts can ensure reliable operation in extreme conditions. The use of SuperCORR A for corrosion control can not only bring financial savings in reduced maintenance and replacement costs but more importantly greater safety. It is much simpler and a lot less costly to prevent corrosion than to repair or replace damaged avionic equipment or a component that failed because of corrosion.

SuperCORR A is packaged in aerosol cans making access to component parts easy for engineering crews in difficult locations and conditions. Unpainted mild steel will not rust on exterior surfaces directly exposed to sea water environments for at least 6 months, protecting electrical connectors, switches, chains, drive shafts from corrosion while maintaining lubrication on moving surfaces.



  • Extremely long-lasting, specially formulated and proprietary anti-corrosive inhibitor.
  • Eliminates premature failure of components created by moisture, general or fretting corrosion.
  • Prevents deterioration and contamination on all surfaces of electronic and electrical equipment and mechanical close tolerance moving components.
  • Reliability increased, maintenance intervals increased and costs reduced, manufacturers save costly warranty service calls or product re-call.


SuperCORR A was originally developed for the U.S. Air Force to comply with military specifications and to prevent electrical and electronic components from systems failures caused by corrosion.
It became the industry standard for avionic corrosion protection within MROs (maintenance, repair and operations) and OEMs (overhaul and original equipment manufacturers). It’s unique ability to displace water and provide a performance enhancing level of corrosion protection has led to it being used in many other applications and industries worldwide.


Please visit our website for  for information about other uses and applications for Super CORR A.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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A guide to critical cleaning of oxygen components and services

Critical Cleaning Solvent

Guide to critical cleaning of oxygen components

The COVID pandemic of 2020-2023 increased the demand for critical cleaning of oxygen components to treat patients with symptoms. The need for respirators and installation of new and extended oxygen systems in hospitals, clinics and care homes with the provision of ancillary pressure reduction and delivery systems led to a massive increase in demand for the valves, fittings and pipelines which control the supplies from storage tanks and cylinders, all of which needed critical cleaning.


Critical cleaning of oxygen components is a crucial process to ensure the safety and reliability of systems that handle oxygen, especially in industries like aerospace, healthcare, and industrial gas production.

Cleaning for oxygen service is best defined as the removal of combustible contaminants from the surface of any equipment or system in oxygen service. Essentially, any component that may encounter an oxygen rich environment. The combustible contaminants include organic and inorganic substances such as hydrocarbon material for example oils and greases, paper, fibre, dust, and soils. If these contaminants are not removed properly, in a worst-case scenario, this can cause combustion or explosion in an oxygen atmosphere or at the least rejection of the product due to unacceptable product purity.

Oxygen is not flammable, but it supports combustion. Oxygen can react with most materials. The higher the oxygen content and/or pressure in a system the more vigorous the combustion and the lower the ignition temperature required. Materials that do not normally ignite in air will burn and may explode in an oxygen rich environment. In addition, the oxygen rich environment will give rise to a higher flame temperatures and combustion velocity with potentially devastating consequences. The recognition of oxygen’s reactivity has led to stringent requirements regarding the cleanliness of equipment in oxygen service. Strict guidelines exist to ensure that care must be taken in the selection of equipment including all materials and components, which all need to be oxygen compatible. They must also be free from combustible contaminants as described above.

Consideration must be given to any cleaning processes employed in the manufacture and maintenance of all components of oxygen service systems. There are many options depending on the type of contaminants from aqueous to semi aqueous and blasting systems, to removal of welding slag etc. These are all referenced in the section below.


As part of the programme of worldwide harmonisation of industry standards, the ‘European Industrial Gases Association’, (EIGA) published Cleaning of equipment for Oxygen Service Doc 33/18. The publication was developed from the Compressed Gas Association Document G-4.1 Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service by the ‘Compressed Gas Association’.

Specific consideration must be given to the following:

  • Cleaning standard to be achieved (how clean is clean?).
  • Cleaning procedure.
  • Solvent cleaner to be used.
  • Surface properties of the parts to be cleaned.
  • Shape and geometry of the material.
  • Types and amounts of contaminants.
  • The degree of automation required.

The size and capacity of the equipment is determined by:

  • The size of the material or components to be cleaned.
  • The required throughput.

Your starting point should be the cleaning standard and procedure. Solvent cleaning and solvent vapour phase cleaning of components consists of the removal of contaminants by immersion in the solvent, possibly with the addition of ultrasonic agitation and the action of continued condensation of solvent vapour on the component surfaces. The procedure requires that the oxygen equipment, system or component is colder than the solvent boiling point. This allows the vapour to condense on the components and perform a final rinse.

The major significant advantage of solvent cleaning is that vaporised solvent is always pure, and the contaminants remain in the boiling liquid section which requires only periodic cleaning out, thus causing a reduction in the frequency of system downtime. The effectiveness of a particular cleaning agent depends upon the method used, the nature and type of the contaminants and the characteristics of the article being cleaned, such as size, shape, and material. Final evaluation of the cleaning agent should include testing of actual products and production processes. All equipment must, together with the cleaning chemistry, comply as a minimum with current legislation for health, safety and environment. The efficiency is controlled by utilising typical samples, written procedures and requested criteria for cleanliness.


Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) solvent cleaner for high performance critical cleaning of oxygen components and services.

ProSolv® 5408e has a unique range of characteristics make it the solvent of choice for critical cleaning applications such as oxygen components and service line cleaning, aircraft avionics and aerospace parts and servicing, precision optics, medical and high vacuum components and electronics.

ProSolv® 5408e is a high-performance solvent cleaner used for sustainable and future proof degreasing. It has a GWP of less than 1, with a 100-year Integrated Time Horizon (ITH). Soft on the environment and safe for users, it offers improved cleaning at lower costs.

ProSolv® 5408e ticks all the boxes and is the perfect profile for a modern degreasing solvent. Exceptionally low surface tension to penetrate micron sized holes and close contact surfaces. Sustainable and secure for the future. Non-carcinogenic, low boiling point, economical with energy with low solvent losses, faster production, reduced costs, easy handling. Exceptionally low surface tension to penetrate micron sized holes and close contact surfaces.

ProSolv® 5408e has a unique range of characteristics making it the solvent of choice for cleaning oxygen components and service line cleaning, aircraft avionics and aerospace parts and servicing, precision optics, medical and high vacuum components and electronics.

ProSolv® 5408e can be used in most solvent cleaning systems, one tank vapour degreasing or multi tank immersion / vapour tank systems using ultrasonics or flush cleaning for complex mechanical and electronic components with blind holes and channels and close mounted electronics or for removing grinding and buffing soils on surfaces.

cleaning of oxygen components


  • Fast precision cleaning with short cycle times.
  • Can be used in any vapour degreasing equipment, lower energy consumption and lower maintenance.
  • Can be used as a line flushing solvent.
  • Ideal replacement for Trichloroethylene, n-Propyl Bromide, Perchloroethylene, high ODP/GWP fluorocarbons and HCFC based solvents.
  • Excellent choice to replace flammable solvents such as MEK, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) or Hydrocarbons.
  • Stable with no additives, no testing required.
  • Improved productivity, parts exit the machine cool, dry and spot-free with no drying required.
  • Fast drying.
  • Minimal non-volatile residue (>10ppm).
  • High density solution, excellent for ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Mid-range boiling point (46°C), processed components easily handled.
  • Very low surface tension for penetration into the micron level crevices and holes, efficient cleaning in tight to reach places and complex geometries.
  • Easy process monitoring, minimal effort and minimal waste generation, easy reclamation for reuse.
  • High Solvency (KB Value 98) for a variety of contaminants.
  • Compatible with a broad range of substrates.


  • Safe for the environment, Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).
  • Very low Global Warming Potential (GWP).
  • GWP of less than 1, AR4 100yr Integrated Time Horizon (ITH).
  • Non-hazardous for transportation.
  • Non-flammable (No Flash Point).
  • Not classified as a carcinogen.
  • RoHS compliant.

Listed above are some of the benefits from using ProSolv® 5408e, a sustainable degreasing solvent for critical cleaning and an economical and efficient replacement solution for cleaning systems using older legacy solvents, which are now either banned or being phased out. EnviroTech Europe have many years of experience and our experts are available to guide you through your solvent cleaner changeover procedures or to advise on equipment. We have extensive partnerships with equipment manufacturers through our distributors worldwide and information and advice on solvents and solvent systems and which need to be considered.


Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for ProSolv® 5408e.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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The importance of corrosion protection for air conditioning units

corrosion protection for air conditioning units

Corrosion protection for air conditioning units.

Corrosion problems in air conditioning units can be caused by various factors including exposure to harsh environmental conditions like humidity, salt, pollutants, chemicals, and other airborne particles, poor maintenance, manufacturing defects or inferior materials, equipment ageing and general wear. To prevent or minimize corrosion in air conditioning units, regular maintenance, proper installation, timely repairs of leaks, and protection against environmental elements are crucial. This includes routine cleaning, inspections, and addressing any issues promptly to extend the lifespan of the AC unit and ensure its optimal performance. Corrosion protection for air conditioning units can be vital in various situations, here are some important considerations:.

Harsh Environments:
In areas near the coast or where the air is laden with salt, the risk of corrosion is higher due to saltwater exposure. Corrosion protection measures, such as coatings or materials designed to resist corrosion, can help extend the lifespan of the air conditioning unit.

High Humidity Environments:
In regions with high humidity levels, the potential for moisture-related corrosion is increased. Protective coatings and treatments can be beneficial in preventing moisture-induced corrosion.

Industrial and Chemical Exposure:
In industrial locations with exposure to corrosive chemicals, protecting air conditioning units from corrosion is important. Acidic or corrosive fumes can deteriorate the unit’s components over time.

Long-Term Maintenance:
Corrosion protection measures can reduce maintenance costs and downtime by preventing or delaying the onset of corrosion-related problems. This is especially important in commercial and industrial applications where HVAC systems are essential for operations.

Extended Equipment Lifespan:
Proper corrosion protection can contribute to the longevity of the air conditioning unit, saving money on replacement costs.

Common methods of corrosion protection for air conditioning units include:

Applying anti-corrosion coatings or paints to the unit’s components to create a barrier.

Galvanized Steel:
Using galvanized steel for components and frames can provide resistance to rust and corrosion.

Regular Maintenance:
Regular cleaning and maintenance to remove corrosive materials like dirt, debris, and salt deposits.

Placement and Enclosure:
Positioning the air conditioning unit in a way that minimizes exposure to harsh elements, or enclosing it in a protective housing, can be effective.

Use of Corrosion-Resistant Materials:
Investing in air conditioning units made from materials that are inherently resistant to corrosion can be a wise choice for long-term durability.

SuperCORR A - Corrosion Inhibitor

Specialist Barrier Film Corrosion Protection

EnviroTech Europe supplies advanced corrosion protection products, based on approved synthetic materials, to provide quality solutions to a range of lubrication and corrosion problems.

Super CORR A is a unique and proprietary formulation with long-lasting, anti-corrosion inhibitors providing a superior lubrication coefficient and protection against moisture, wear, general and fretting corrosion, static electricity, corona, and other electro migration problems. The non-flammable film is only 7 microns (0.007mm) in thickness, is not a wax or oil-based product and is formulated without sulphates, chlorides, petroleum-based material, or halogens, to meet the EU RoHS directive.

Super CORR A is unexcelled in preventing failures of electrical systems and electronic equipment caused by corrosion as well as preventing the corrosion of metal components surfaces. Use Super CORR A to protect connectors, electrical systems and switches and mechanical controls during servicing. It’s ability to displace water from exposed contacts can ensure reliable operation in extreme conditions, all from one small aerosol can.

The use of Super CORR A for corrosion control can not only bring financial savings in reduced maintenance and replacement costs but more importantly greater safety. It is much simpler and a lot less costly to prevent corrosion than to repair or replace the damaged equipment or component that failed because of corrosion.

Super CORR A is packaged in aerosol cans making access to component parts easy for engineering crews in difficult locations and conditions. Unpainted mild steel will not rust on exterior surfaces directly exposed to sea water environments for at least 6 months, protecting electrical connectors, switches, chains, drive shafts from corrosion while maintaining lubrication on moving surfaces.


  • Extremely long-lasting, specially formulated and proprietary anti-corrosive inhibitor.
  • Eliminates premature failure of components created by moisture, general or fretting corrosion.
  • Prevents deterioration and contamination on all surfaces of electronic and electrical equipment and mechanical close tolerance moving components.
  • Reliability increased, maintenance intervals increased and costs reduced, manufacturers save costly warranty service calls or product re-call.


  • Industry approval from:  NASA, Boeing Aircraft, Bombardier, Embraer, Lear, Gulfstream, Hawker-Beechcraft, Cessna, Raytheon, Polish Airforce, Northrop-Grumman, Royal Navy and Royal Norwegian Air Force.
  • Exceeds Mil C 81309 Corrosion Prevention Compounds.
  • Approved in US Tri-Service Corrosion Manuals.

Please visit our website for  for information about other uses and applications for Super CORR A.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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Advantages of using industrial solvent cleaners for the removal of dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants

industrial solvent cleaners

Advantages of using industrial solvent cleaners for the removal of dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants.

Industrial solvent cleaners are specialised cleaning products designed for use in industrial settings. They are formulated to tackle tough and stubborn contaminants found in industrial environments, such as heavy machinery, equipment, tools, and surfaces. They typically contain powerful solvents and cleaning agents capable of breaking down and removing various types of residues, including grease, oil, grime, chemicals, and more.

Organic solvents are used as the primary active ingredient, to dissolve and remove dirt, grease, oil, and other contaminants from surfaces. These chemicals can break down and disperse substances that are not water-soluble. Solvent cleaners are commonly used in various industrial applications for tasks where water-based cleaners are not effective. Industrial solvent cleaners offer several advantages in various applications and industries.  The advantages of using industrial solvent cleaners include:

Effective Cleaning:
Industrial solvent cleaners are highly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants, such as grease, oil, paint, adhesives, and more. They can clean surfaces thoroughly, leaving them free from residue and contaminants.

High Solvency:
They have a high solvency power, allowing them to effectively dissolve and remove industrial contaminants that may not be easily cleaned with water-based solutions.

Fast Evaporation:
Many industrial solvent cleaners are formulated to evaporate quickly, leaving behind minimal residue and allowing for rapid cleaning and drying of surfaces.

Solvent cleaners can be used on a variety of surfaces, including metal, glass, plastic, and ceramics. This versatility makes them suitable for different industries and applications. They are often used for degreasing machinery and equipment in manufacturing facilities, automotive repair shops, and other industrial settings.

Fast Drying: Solvent cleaners typically evaporate quickly, leaving surfaces dry and ready for use. This is particularly important in industries where downtime must be minimized.

Precision Cleaning: Solvent cleaners are often used for precision cleaning tasks, such as cleaning electronic components, optical lenses, and medical devices, where cleanliness is critical.

Residue-Free Cleaning: Solvent cleaners are known for leaving minimal to no residue after cleaning, making them ideal for applications where residue could be problematic.

Compatibility: These cleaners are often compatible with a wide range of materials and coatings, reducing the risk of damaging the surfaces being cleaned.

Flammable and Non-Flammable Options: Depending on the specific needs of an application, both flammable and non-flammable solvent cleaners are available, allowing for safer operation in different environments.

Low Surface Tension: Solvent cleaners can penetrate into tight spaces and crevices due to their low surface tension, ensuring thorough cleaning.

Degreasing Capabilities: Industrial solvent cleaners are excellent at degreasing and removing oily residues, making them suitable for automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries.

Environmental Considerations: Some industrial solvent cleaners are formulated to be more environmentally friendly, with low VOC (volatile organic compound) and HAP (hazardous air pollutant) content, reducing their impact on the environment.

Regulatory Compliance: Many industrial solvent cleaners are formulated to meet specific industry standards and regulations, ensuring that they are safe and effective for use in various applications.

Long Shelf Life:
Solvent cleaners typically have a long shelf life, allowing for extended storage and usability.

While industrial solvent cleaners offer many advantages, it’s essential to use them with caution, especially those that are flammable, and to follow safety guidelines and regulations to protect workers and the environment. Additionally, it’s crucial to choose the right solvent cleaner for your application to achieve the best results while minimizing any potential drawbacks or risks.

EnviroTech Europe supply high quality hydrocarbon or chlorinated solvent cleaners for the safe removal of dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants

Clarea® industrial solvent cleaners are compatible with all metals, composites and most plastics used to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants from surfaces without causing harm or leavingresidue. They are used as immersion cleaners for component cleaning in manufacturing andengineering industries and as wipe cleaners for large surface areas prior to painting or powder coating.

Clarea®  industrial solvent cleaners are aliphatic hydrocarbon based, non-chlorinated, low odour degreasing solvents with specified flash points. They will remove oils, greases, hydraulic fluids cutting fluids and a wide variety of hydrocarbon based protective coatings. Can be safely used with all metals and composites and most plastic and paint finishes.

Clarea®HC40 is low odour degreasing fast drying solvent with a flash point of 40°C. It is suitable for ultrasonic and dip systems and can be used with brush or in hand-wipe processes.

Clarea®HC62 is a degreasing solvent with a flash point over 60°C. It is suitable for hand-wipe applications when used externally.

● Versatile and cost-effective solutions for all your industrial cleaning
● Minimal odour and low toxicity for operators
● Multipurpose uses can reduce the inventory of cleaning fluids.
● Flexible uses – evaporation rates suitable for hand wipe, spray, or immersion tank cleaning
Clarea®HC40 for brush and hand wiping, air dries. Flash point 40°C
Clarea®HC62 for spray or immersion cleaning Flash point 62°C
● Contains no chlorine, other halogens or stabilisers
● Compatible with all metals and composites and most plastics
● Excellent pre-cleaner for paint or powder coatings
● Safe, reliable, environmentally friendly cleaning

Clarea General purpose industrial cleaning solvents

Packaging and availability
Clarea® HC40 and Clarea® HC62 is available in the following container sizes and weights:
205 litre drums, 25 litre cans, 5 litre cans.

We can provide you with a Material Safety Data Sheets, independent laboratory reports, product samples and technical assistance.

For more information or advice please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our contact form.

All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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The importance of corrosion protection for electrical systems

corrosion protection for electrical systems

The importance of corrosion protection for electrical systems

Protection from corrosion is vital for safeguarding infrastructure and equipment, reducing costs, ensuring safety, and maintaining the reliability and longevity of critical electrical and electronic systems across various industries. Corrosion protection is critically important for several reasons.

Corrosion can compromise the integrity of electrical components, leading to potential safety hazards. Damaged or corroded components can result in electrical short circuits, fires, or other dangerous situations.

Electrical systems are expected to function reliably over extended periods. Corrosion can lead to unexpected failures and downtime, disrupting operations and causing financial losses.

Corrosion can degrade the performance of electrical connections, leading to increased resistance and reduced efficiency. This can result in wasted energy, increased operating costs, and reduced system performance.

Proper corrosion protection measures can extend the lifespan of electrical components and systems. By preventing or mitigating corrosion, you can reduce the frequency of maintenance and replacement, saving both time and money.

Energy Efficiency:
Corrosion can increase energy consumption. For example, in HVAC systems, corroded heat exchangers are less efficient, leading to higher energy bills.

Health and Safety:
Corrosion can compromise the safety of equipment and systems, leading to accidents and injuries. For instance, corrosion in the aviation industry can pose a significant risk to flight safety.

Reduced Maintenance Costs:
Dealing with the corrosion related issues listed above can be costly. Preventing corrosion through protective measures is always more cost-effective in the long run than repairing or replacing damaged components. Corrosion protection measures, such as coatings and inhibitors, can reduce the need for frequent maintenance and repair, saving both time and money.

Environmental Impact:
Corrosion can lead to the release of hazardous materials, such as lead, into the environment. Proper corrosion protection measures can reduce the environmental impact of electrical systems.

Economic Impact:
Corrosion costs industries billions of dollars each year in repair, maintenance, and replacement of corroded equipment. Effective corrosion protection measures can significantly reduce these costs.

Maintaining Signal Integrity:
In sensitive electronic systems, corrosion can affect the quality of signals and data transmission. For example, in telecommunications or data centres, corrosion-induced signal degradation can lead to communication errors, false signals or even data loss.

Aesthetic Considerations:
In some cases, electrical systems are visible to the public or customers. Corrosion can be unsightly and negatively impact the image and reputation of an organization.

Preventive Maintenance:
Implementing corrosion protection measures as part of a preventive maintenance program can help identify and address potential corrosion issues before they escalate, minimizing the risk of unexpected failures. Corrosion can cause equipment failures and operational disruptions. Corrosion protection measures ensure the reliable operation of critical electrical systems.

Regulatory Compliance:
In many industries, regulations and standards are in place that require the use of corrosion protection methods to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical systems. This is why Super CORR A is specified in the maintenance manuals for many aircraft manufacturers. Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid legal and financial consequences.

Overall, corrosion protection is vital for safeguarding electrical and electronic equipment, reducing costs, ensuring safety, and maintaining the reliability and longevity of critical systems across various industries.  Common methods of corrosion protection for electrical systems include the use of corrosion-resistant materials, coatings, sealants, periodic inspections, and maintenance, as well as environmental controls to reduce exposure to corrosive elements. Overall, prioritizing corrosion protection is essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and longevity of electrical systems.

SuperCORR A - Corrosion Inhibitor

Specialist Barrier Film Corrosion Protection

EnviroTech Europe supplies advanced corrosion protection products, based on approved synthetic materials, to provide quality solutions to a range of lubrication and corrosion problems.

Super CORR A is a unique and proprietary formulation with long-lasting, anti-corrosion inhibitors providing a superior lubrication coefficient and protection against moisture, wear, general and fretting corrosion, static electricity, corona, and other electro migration problems. The non-flammable film is only 7 microns (0.007mm) in thickness, is not a wax or oil-based product and is formulated without sulphates, chlorides, petroleum-based material, or halogens, to meet the EU RoHS directive.

Super CORR A is unexcelled in preventing failures of electrical systems and electronic equipment caused by corrosion as well as preventing the corrosion of metal components surfaces. Use Super CORR A to protect connectors, electrical systems and switches and mechanical controls during servicing. It’s ability to displace water from exposed contacts can ensure reliable operation in extreme conditions, all from one small aerosol can.

The use of Super CORR A for corrosion control can not only bring financial savings in reduced maintenance and replacement costs but more importantly greater safety. It is much simpler and a lot less costly to prevent corrosion than to repair or replace the damaged equipment or component that failed because of corrosion.

Super CORR A is packaged in aerosol cans making access to component parts easy for engineering crews in difficult locations and conditions. Unpainted mild steel will not rust on exterior surfaces directly exposed to sea water environments for at least 6 months, protecting electrical connectors, switches, chains, drive shafts from corrosion while maintaining lubrication on moving surfaces.


  • Extremely long-lasting, specially formulated and proprietary anti-corrosive inhibitor.
  • Eliminates premature failure of components created by moisture, general or fretting corrosion.
  • Prevents deterioration and contamination on all surfaces of electronic and electrical equipment and mechanical close tolerance moving components.
  • Reliability increased, maintenance intervals increased and costs reduced, manufacturers save costly warranty service calls or product re-call.


  • Industry approval from:  NASA, Boeing Aircraft, Bombardier, Embraer, Lear, Gulfstream, Hawker-Beechcraft, Cessna, Raytheon, Polish Airforce, Northrop-Grumman, Royal Navy and Royal Norwegian Air Force.
  • Exceeds Mil C 81309 Corrosion Prevention Compounds.
  • Approved in US Tri-Service Corrosion Manuals.

Please visit our website for  for information about other uses and applications for Super CORR A.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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Why are vapour degreasing solvents so good at cleaning?

Why are vapour degreasing solvents so good at cleaning?

Why are vapour degreasing solvents so good at cleaning?

Vapour degreasing solvents are typically chosen for their excellent solvency properties. They have the ability to dissolve and disperse a wide range of contaminants, including dirt, oil, grease, wax, and other contaminants. The cleaning action of solvents is primarily attributed to their unique molecular properties and interactions with the materials they contact. Here’s why solvents are so good at cleaning:

Low Surface Tension:
Vapour degreasing solvents can reduce the surface tension of liquids, making them more effective at penetrating and breaking up dirt and stains. This allows the solvent to reach areas that might otherwise be hard to clean.

The polarity of a solvent plays a significant role in its cleaning ability. Polar solvents have molecules with positive and negative poles, which allows them to interact with polar substances like water-based stains. Nonpolar solvents, on the other hand, are effective at dissolving nonpolar substances like oils and grease. Different cleaning tasks may require the use of polar or nonpolar solvents depending on the nature of the dirt or stain. Most vapour degreasing solvents are nonpolar in nature, meaning they do not have a positive or negative charge. This allows them to interact with a variety of contaminants, regardless of their charge or polarity, making them versatile for different types of cleaning applications.

Heat and Vaporization:
The vapour degreasing process involves heating the solvent to create vapour, which rises and condenses on the surfaces to be cleaned. This condensation releases latent heat, which aids in loosening and lifting contaminants from the surfaces. The vaporization and condensation cycles help dislodge and carry away dirt, oils, and other substances effectively.

No Aqueous Residues:
Unlike water-based cleaning methods, vapour degreasing solvents leave little to no aqueous residue behind. This is especially important for applications where water could cause corrosion or damage, such as cleaning sensitive electronics or precision mechanical components.

Minimal Agitation Required:
Vapour degreasing is a relatively gentle cleaning method that doesn’t require extensive mechanical agitation. This reduces the risk of damaging delicate parts while ensuring effective cleaning.

Vapour degreasing provides consistent and uniform cleaning results because the solvent vapor can reach all surfaces evenly, including intricate and complex geometries.

Environmental Considerations:
While some vapour degreasing solvents in the past were environmentally concerning, modern solvents are designed to be safer and more environmentally friendly. They are engineered to have lower toxicity, reduced volatility, and minimal global warming or ozone-depleting potential.

Dissolving Power:
Solvents have the ability to dissolve a wide range of substances, both organic and inorganic. This is due to their molecular structure, which allows them to interact with different types of molecules. When a solvent comes into contact with a substance, its molecules surround and separate the particles of the substance, breaking down the intermolecular forces holding them together. This leads to the dissolution of the substance into the solvent.

Vapour degreasing solvents typically have relatively low boiling points, which means they evaporate quickly when exposed to air. This evaporation helps in removing the dissolved dirt and contaminants from surfaces, leaving them clean and dry. It is important to ensure evaporating solvent doesn’t escape to the atmosphere. This is achieved by having cold condensing coils just above the components being cleaned.

Vapour degreasing solvents come in various types and compositions, allowing them to target specific types of contaminants. For example, alcohol-based solvents are effective at cleaning glass surfaces due to their ability to dissolve and evaporate quickly without leaving streaks.

Chemical Interactions:
Vapour degreasing solvents can undergo chemical reactions with certain types of substances, leading to their removal or transformation. This can be especially useful for removing tough stains that might not be easily removed through simple dissolution.

Vapour degreasing solvents are often formulated to be compatible with specific materials, ensuring that they don’t damage the surfaces being cleaned. This makes them versatile for use on a wide range of surfaces.

Rinsing Action:
Vapour degreasing solvents can also act as rinsing agents, carrying away dissolved dirt and contaminants when they evaporate. This helps prevent redeposition of dirt onto cleaned surfaces.

Overall, the combination of excellent solvency, low surface tension, nonpolar properties, heat assistance, minimal residue, and controlled vaporization make vapor degreasing solvents highly effective for a wide range of cleaning applications.

It’s important to note that while solvents are effective cleaning agents, their use should be handled with care. Some solvents can be toxic, flammable, or harmful to human health and the environment, so proper precautions and guidelines should be followed when using them. Additionally, choosing the right solvent for a specific cleaning task is crucial to achieve optimal results without causing damage to the surfaces being cleaned.

Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) solvent cleaner for high performance vapour degreasing

ProSolv® 5408e has been developed to provide superior critical cleaning performance for manufacturers of electronic and electrical components. High Solvency (KB Value 98) for removal of organic residues, compatible with organic and synthetic oils and most plastics and metals.

ProSolv® 5408e is a high-performance solvent cleaner used for sustainable and future proof vapour degreasing.  It has a GWP of less than 1, with a 100 year Integrated Time Horizon (ITH).  Soft on the environment and safe for users, it offers improved cleaning at lower costs.

ProSolv® 5408e ticks all the boxes and is the perfect profile for a modern vapour degreasing solvent. Exceptionally low surface tension to penetrate micron sized holes and close contact surfaces. Sustainable and secure for the future. Non-carcinogenic, low boiling point, economical with energy with low solvent losses, faster production, reduced costs, easy handling.


  • Fast precision cleaning with short cycle times.
  • Can be used in any vapour degreasing equipment, lower energy consumption and lower maintenance.
  • Ideal replacement for Trichloroethylene, n-Propyl Bromide, Perchloroethylene and HCFC based solvents.
  • Stable with no additives, no testing required.
  • Improved productivity, parts exit the machine cool, dry and spot-free with no drying required.
  • Minimal non-volatile residue (>10ppm).
  • High density solution, excellent for ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Mid-range boiling point (46°C).
  • Very low surface tension for penetration into the micron level crevices and holes, efficient cleaning in tight to reach places and complex geometries.
  • Easy process monitoring with minimal effort and minimal waste generation, easy reclamation for reuse.
  • High Solvency (KB Value 98) for a variety of contaminants.
  • Compatible with a broad range of substrates.


  • Safe for the environment, Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).
  • Very low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • GWP of less than 1, AR4 100yr Integrated Time Horizon (ITH).
  • Non-hazardous for transportation.
  • Non-flammable (No Flash Point).
  • Not classified as a carcinogen

Listed above are some of the benefits from using ProSolv® 5408e, a sustainable vapour degreasing solvent for precision cleaning and an economical and efficient replacement solution for cleaning systems using older legacy solvents, which are now either banned or being phased out. EnviroTech Europe have many years of experience and our experts are available to guide you through your solvent cleaner changeover procedures or to advise on equipment.

Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for ProSolv 5408e.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form.

All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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The advantages of using fluorinated solvents

The advantages of using fluorinated solvents for your vapour degreasing process

The advantages of using fluorinated solvents for your vapour degreasing process

Fluorinated solvents, also known as fluorocarbon solvents, offer several advantages in various industrial and scientific applications, including being highly suited for vapour degreasing. Here are some of the key advantages of using fluorinated solvents:

Environmental Compatibility:
Fluorinated solvents are often chosen as alternatives to more hazardous solvents due to their relatively low impact on the environment. They have low ozone depletion potential (ODP) and negligible global warming potential (GWP). Additionally, they have low toxicity and are not classified as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).

Chemical Stability:

Fluorinated solvents exhibit excellent chemical stability, making them highly resistant to degradation and reactions with other chemicals. They are compatible with a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and elastomers. This stability allows for their use in challenging environments and with reactive substances.

Solvency Power:
Fluorinated solvents have strong solvency power, meaning they can dissolve a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds. This property makes them effective in applications such as cleaning, degreasing, and precision cleaning, where the complete removal of contaminants is crucial, such as cleaning to oxygen standard.

One of the significant advantages of fluorinated solvents is their non-flammable nature.  Under testing to ASTM D 93 they will not flash and therefore do not support combustion, making them safer to use compared to many traditional solvents. This property reduces the risk of fire hazards in various industrial processes and applications.

Dielectric Properties:
Fluorinated solvents have excellent dielectric properties, making them ideal for applications that require electrical insulation and heat transfer. They are commonly used in electronic and electrical industries for tasks such as cleaning electrical components, cooling electronics, and as a dielectric fluid in transformers and capacitors.

Thermal Stability:
Fluorinated solvents can withstand a wide range of temperatures without decomposing or losing their properties. This thermal stability allows them to be used in high-temperature applications, including heat transfer fluids, lubricants, and as coolants in various industrial processes.

Surface Tension Control:
Fluorinated solvents have the ability to modify the surface tension of liquids, enabling them to spread evenly and improve wetting. This property makes them useful in applications such as coatings, adhesives, and printing, where uniform and controlled wetting is required.

Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) solvent cleaner for high performance vapour degreasing

ProSolv® 5408e has been developed to provide superior critical cleaning performance for manufacturers of electronic and electrical components. High Solvency (KB Value 98) for removal of organic residues, compatible with organic and synthetic oils and most plastics and metals.

ProSolv® 5408e is a high-performance solvent cleaner used for sustainable and future proof vapour degreasing.  It has a GWP of less than 1, with a 100 year Integrated Time Horizon (ITH).  Soft on the environment and safe for users, it offers improved cleaning at lower costs.

ProSolv® 5408e ticks all the boxes and is the perfect profile for a modern vapour degreasing solvent. Exceptionally low surface tension to penetrate micron sized holes and close contact surfaces. Sustainable and secure for the future. Non-carcinogenic, low boiling point, economical with energy with low solvent losses, faster production, reduced costs, easy handling.


  • Fast precision cleaning with short cycle times.
  • Can be used in any vapour degreasing equipment, lower energy consumption and lower maintenance.
  • Ideal replacement for Trichloroethylene, n-Propyl Bromide, Perchloroethylene and HCFC based solvents.
  • Stable with no additives, no testing required.
  • Improved productivity, parts exit the machine cool, dry and spot-free with no drying required.
  • Minimal non-volatile residue (>10ppm).
  • High density solution, excellent for ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Mid-range boiling point (46°C).
  • Very low surface tension for penetration into the micron level crevices and holes, efficient cleaning in tight to reach places and complex geometries.
  • Easy process monitoring with minimal effort and minimal waste generation, easy reclamation for reuse.
  • High Solvency (KB Value 98) for a variety of contaminants.
  • Compatible with a broad range of substrates.


  • Safe for the environment, Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).
  • Very low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • GWP of less than 1, AR4 100yr Integrated Time Horizon (ITH).
  • Non-hazardous for transportation.
  • Non-flammable (No Flash Point).
  • Not classified as a carcinogen

Listed above are some of the benefits from using ProSolv® 5408e, a sustainable degreasing solvent for precision cleaning and an economical and efficient replacement solution for cleaning systems using older legacy solvents, which are now either banned or being phased out. EnviroTech Europe have many years of experience and our experts are available to guide you through your solvent cleaner changeover procedures or to advise on equipment.

Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for ProSolv 5408e.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form.

All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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General purpose industrial cleaning solvents

Clarea® general purpose industrial cleaning solvents for safe removal of dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants

Industrial cleaning solvents

Hand or bath cleaning solvents are used in many industries to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants from machined and fabricated metal, plastic and composite surfaces. Due considerationmust be given to the effects on users and the environment. Cleaning solvents must be highly refined and leave no residues on drying. They have to be very effective in removal of oils and soils without causing damage or corrosion of the parts or components being cleaned.

Pre-used parts or assemblies from the transportation, aerospace or manufacturing equipment sectors are often very heavily contaminated when removed from service but must be free of all contaminants before handling to disassemble prior to refurbishing and rebuilding. Much of this work will be manual and the considerations for the safety of operators is paramount.

Growing concerns regarding environmental and health hazards of the commonly used chlorinated solvents for industrial degreasing and cleaning has led to the formulation by of the Clarea® range of industrial cleaning solvents by EnviroTech Europe.

An environmentally safe range of hand and bath solvent cleaners

Clarea® industrial solvent cleaners are compatible with all metals, composites and most plastics used to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants from surfaces without causing harm or leavingresidue. They are used as immersion cleaners for component cleaning in manufacturing andengineering industries and as wipe cleaners for large surface areas prior to painting or powder coating.

Clarea® cleaning solvents are aliphatic hydrocarbon-based degreasing solvents with specified flash points. They are non-carcinogenic, low odour, fast drying and cause no ozone depletion. They leave minimal residues on drying surfaces and contain no halogens such as chlorine or fluorine.

Clarea®HC40 is a degreasing solvent with a flash point of 40°C. It is suitable for ultrasonic and dip systems and can be used with brush or in hand-wipe processes.

Clarea®HC62 is a degreasing solvent with a flash point over 60°C. It is suitable for hand wipe applications when used externally.

Product Benefits

● Versatile and cost-effective solutions for all your industrial cleaning.

● Minimal odour and low toxicity for operators.

● Multipurpose uses can reduce the inventory of cleaning fluids.

● Flexible uses – evaporation rates suitable for hand wipe, spray, or immersion tank cleaning.

Clarea®HC40 for brush and hand wiping, air dries. Flash point 40°C.

Clarea®HC62 for spray or immersion cleaning Flash point 62°C.

● Contains no chlorine, other halogens or stabilisers.

● Compatible with all metals and composites and most plastics.

● Excellent pre-cleaner for paint or powder coatings.

● Safe, reliable, environmentally friendly cleaning.

Solvent Properties

Clarea General purpose industrial cleaning solvents

Packaging and availability
Clarea® HC40 and Clarea® HC62 is available in the following container sizes and weights:
205 litre drums, 25 litre cans, 5 litre cans.

We can provide you with a Material Safety Data Sheets, independent laboratory reports, product samples and technical assistance.

For more information or advice please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our contact form.

All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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Advanced corrosion protection for automation and engineering industries

Advanced corrosion protection for<br />
automation and engineering industries<br />

SuperCORR A – Advanced corrosion protection for automation and engineering industries

Corrosion is serious problem for industry and governments worldwide

Corrosion, in its many forms, costs both private and public sectors vast amounts of money to repair or replace mechanical, electrical and electronics components. While all metals corrode, due to various reasons, there is no simple or single solution to the overall corrosion problem. However, there are some very cost effective and proven ways to prevent corrosion and failures caused by corrosion, thereby reducing or eliminating associated costs and increasing safety, which should be of foremost importance in the mind set of any preventative maintenance programme manager.

Corrosion is an increasingly serious and costly problem that can lead to equipment failures which range from being an annoyance to being catastrophic. Failures caused by corrosion could and do lead to a direct failure of a component which could affect the entire system and can not only be very expensive in terms of down time to repair or replace but can also prove to be very costly in loss of productivity, and possibly the loss of human life.

The financial cost of corrosion accounts for between 3% to 6% of a country’s GNP [1] and a 2016 study by NACE International concluded that the annual global cost of corrosion amounts to USD 2.5 trillion [2]. These costs increase each year.

A vast amount of the annual cost of corrosion can be saved by using corrosion inhibitor products such as Super CORR A which was specifically designed to lubricate and prevent corrosion in electrical fittings and connectors, electrical harness assemblies and connectors, electrical and electronic switches, close tolerance and dissimilar metal components, lighting connectors and sockets. It is a non-flammable “self-healing” ultra-thin film lubricant with a proprietary corrosion preventive compound that will not harden or crack. is not a wax or oil-based product and is formulated without sulphates, chlorides or halogens.

Super CORR A is a unique and proprietary formulation with long-lasting, anti-corrosion inhibitors providing a superior lubrication coefficient and protection against moisture, wear, general and fretting corrosion, static electricity, corona, and other electro migration problems. The non-flammable film is only 7 microns (0.007mm) in thickness, is not a wax or oil-based product and is formulated without sulphates, chlorides, petroleum-based material, or halogens, to meet the EU RoHS directive.

Manufactured and supplied by EnviroTech Europe Ltd, it is unexcelled in preventing failures of electrical systems and electronic equipment caused by corrosion as well as preventing the corrosion of metal components surfaces. Use Super CORR A to protect connectors, electrical systems and switches and mechanical controls during servicing. It’s ability to displace water from exposed contacts can ensure reliable operation in extreme conditions, all from one small aerosol can.

SuperCORR A - Corrosion Inhibitor


Prevent hydrogen sulphide corrosion in electrical and electronic equipment

Electrical and electronic equipment used in adverse work environments (e.g., the oil and gas, water treatment, pulp and paper industries) where corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulphide are found, can be particularly vulnerable to corrosion and lead to the rapid deterioration of the electronic components including mechanical controls, connectors and switches. Super CORR A inhibits corrosion caused by exposure to both fresh and salt water moisture as well as the corrosive vapours from Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), and Chlorine (CL12) based gases found in waste water and sewer treatment plants, pulp and paper mills and plants, chemical and petroleum plants, maritime industry, aircraft/airline industry, military equipment including ships, aircraft, and rolling stock, auto industry, farming and agriculture industry, and the list goes on.

HFC-227ea gaseous fire suppression for electronic equipment.

When activated in a fire situation HFC-227ea will decompose to produce Hydrogen Fluoride. This is a real and ongoing concern. Why? Because Hydrogen Fluoride causes major corrosion problems for electronics and connectors. You may save your equipment but for how long?

To prevent corrosion caused by Hydrogen Fluoride, as well as other chemicals, acids, salts, and water which can be deposited during the activation of fire suppression systems or rapid humidity changes, all the electrical and electronic hardware, boards and connectors should be sprayed or coated with Super CORR A. It will protect and prevent damage to the electronics or avionics caused by exposure to the Hydrogen Fluoride produced as a by-product during the fire.

Fretting corrosion on gas turbine connectors

LP Gas Turbines are used throughout the world by extraction industries and manufacturing plants in remote and hostile locations for essential power production. Dusty and wet environments in deserts, mines, grinding mills, pulp and paper mills and on land or sea drilling rigs for gas and oil production. Turbines powering aircraft services while stationary connect and disconnect many times a day in extreme conditions. These applications and locations test connector sealing continuously allowing dust or water to penetrate. This with the flexing of the connecting cables allows sufficient movement between the metal surfaces of the connecting pins to produce fretting corrosion which reduces, interrupts or produces failures in supply. Regular maintenance of electrical connectors is essential to be certain of uninterrupted supply.

Containing extremely long-lasting, proprietary anti-corrosive inhibitors Super CORR A provides a superior lubrication coefficient and protects components against moisture, wear, general and fretting corrosion, surface static electricity, corona, and other electromigration problems.

Avionic corrosion protection

Super CORR A extends the working life of avionic harness assemblies, electrical systems and other critical items in aircraft maintenance by preventing the deterioration and/or failure caused by corrosion and can significantly reduce downtime, operating and maintenance costs as well as enhance safety. It has as undergone extensive testing by Battelle Labs as well as the U.S. Air Force and meets MIL-DTL-87177B (revised MIL-L-87177A) specification.

Super CORR A is used by NATO (NATO NSN 8030-99-226-6966) to protect avionic electrical switches, sockets, connectors and components from corrosion in both the military and civilian aircraft. It is the global industry standard for electrical corrosion protection, for in service maintenance by both military and commercial aircraft major repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities.

Sea Spray exposure

Most people associate corrosion control with rust, which only happens in things made of ferrous metals such as steel girders, ships, iron pipes, steel reinforcement rods, and steel tanks and is the reason metals deteriorate and fail. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals corrode on contact with both fresh and saltwater as well as water vapour. They will also corrode when they come into contact with chemicals, liquid acids as well as acidic vapours, salts and bases, and bacteria.
The U.S. Navy selected Super CORR A after exhaustive testing using American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard B117- Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray Apparatus.

Super CORR A out-performed 11 other products in comparative testing to identify a better product to protect and lubricate the flap tracks and screw jacks on the aircraft. Super CORR A was evaluated against competitive products under the Federal Test Method Standard #791B, using a five percent Salt Spray Corrosion Test.

Mild Steel panel exposed to sea spray
control switch corrosion

The use of Super CORR A in regular maintenance procedures can bring financial savings in reduced maintenance and replacement costs, and more importantly, greater safety.

Maintenance of contacts on portable gas generators

A leading manufacturer of connectors tested Super CORR A to see what the “life” of the lubricant was in a “rub test”. The typical test is 20,000 cycles, i.e. unplug, plug in is one cycle. The test results demonstrated that after 20,000 cycles there were no failures. It was decided to take it one more step and run the same tests for 200,000 cycles. The results again showed no indications of galling or scoring on the connectors at all. The connector looked and tested as good as new. This test was run under clean conditions in a laboratory but demonstrates the effectiveness of the protective lubricant in Super CORR A.

Unpainted metal in highly corrosive environments

Tests demonstrate the amazing properties of Super CORR A corrosion protection spray to protect unpainted metal surfaces from corrosion. These are photographs of 3 unpainted copper components that were exposed for a month next to the “digester” at a Pulp and Paper Mill.

The main atmospheric corrosion was from hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas, produced during the cellulose digestion process, which combines with the atmospheric humidity to form a mild acid. Any unpainted or untreated metal surface, copper, brass, mild steel or alloys of zinc and manganese or magnesium will be corroded by this acid when it condenses on the metal surfaces.

metal corrosion

Tests demonstrate the amazing properties of Super CORR A to protect unpainted surfaces from acidic corrosion. As an example, copper and aluminium condensers on water coolers usually last about a month in the acidic environment of pulp production facilities because the corrosive atmosphere around the plant corrodes the metal surfaces on fins and connections.

Super CORR A has been also used to protect contacts on the Lifedge lightning connector to USB cable to offer the protection needed in extreme conditions. During the design of this new cable an extensive test programme was carried out by Scanstrut to ensure the contacts were protected from corrosion in the salty and hostile environments in which the connectors are used.


It is clear the use of Super CORR A for corrosion control can not only bring financial savings in reduced maintenance and replacement costs but more importantly greater safety. It is much simpler and a lot less costly to prevent corrosion than to repair or replace the damaged equipment or component that failed because of corrosion. As you have seen The photographs show the effects of protecting metal surfaces and components in extreme condition with Super CORR A.

Super CORR A is packaged in aerosol cans making access to component parts easy for engineering crews in difficult locations and conditions. Unpainted mild steel will not rust on exterior surfaces directly exposed to sea water environments for at least 6 months, protecting electrical connectors, switches, chains, drive shafts from corrosion while maintaining lubrication on moving surfaces.


  • Extremely long-lasting, specially formulated and proprietary anti-corrosive inhibitor.
  • Eliminates premature failure of components created by moisture, general or fretting corrosion.
  • Prevents deterioration and contamination on all surfaces of electronic and electrical equipment and mechanical close tolerance moving components.
  • Reliability increased, maintenance intervals increased and costs reduced, manufacturers save costly warranty service calls or product re-call.


  • Industry approval from:  NASA, Boeing Aircraft, Bombardier, Embraer, Lear, Gulfstream, Hawker-Beechcraft, Cessna, Raytheon, Polish Airforce, Northrop-Grumman, Royal Navy and Royal Norwegian Air Force.
  • Exceeds Mil C 81309 Corrosion Prevention Compounds.
  • Approved in US Tri-Service Corrosion Manuals.


Please visit our website for  for information about other uses and applications for Super CORR A.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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Vapour degreasing engineering fluid for precision cleaning applications

fluorocarbon engineering fluid

Vapour degreasing engineering fluid for precision cleaning applications

A fluorocarbon vapour degreasing engineering fluid for precision cleaning applications that has been developed by EnviroTech Europe Ltd for parts cleaning or cleaning automated machinery at strip down.

ProSolv® 5408e offers future-proof cleaning and can offer savings without compromising quality. Substitution is simple with little or no changes to equipment or control settings needed. Friendly to the environment it has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and a very low impact on Global Warming (GWP). In addition, it is a non-flammable stable azeotrope needing no testing for acid acceptance or stabilising additives, easy to use and maintain and safer for employees and the workplace.

ProSolv® 5408e is extremely effective for precision cleaning in high-tech industries such as aerospace, aviation, electronics and medical device cleaning due to the use of an additive trans 1,2-dichloroethylene. This produces a powerful cleaning solvent with a very low surfaces tension that cleans blind holes and the smallest gaps more effectively at a lower cost. With these wide range of properties ProSolv® 5408e is particularly effective when used with ultrasonics.

ProSolv® 5408e can usually be used in existing degreasers or dip tanks. The fluorinated solvents are ideal for the cost-conscious user for precision cleaning and degreasing of electronics, metals and glass. It can be used to remove adhesives, fluxes, pastes, buffing compounds, greases, silicone oils, particulates, resins, waxes and other oils and soils.

Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) solvent blend for high performance vapour degreasing

ProSolv® 5408e ticks all the boxes with the perfect profile for a vapour degreasing solvent, developed by EnviroTech Europe Ltd for precision parts cleaning or cleaning automated machinery at strip down.

ProSolv® 5408e offers improved cleaning at a lower cost, without compromising quality. Substitution is simple with little or no changes to equipment or control settings needed. A non-flammable stable azeotrope needing no testing for acid acceptance or stabilising additives, easy to use and maintain and safer for the workplace.

ProSolv® 5408e is extremely effective for precision cleaning in high-tech industries such as aerospace, aviation, electronics and medical device cleaning. It can be used in most solvent cleaning systems, one tank vapour degreasing or multi tank immersion / vapour tank systems using ultrasonics or flush cleaning for complex mechanical and electronic components with blind holes and channels and close mounted electronics or for removing grinding and buffing soils on surfaces. Exceptionally low surface tension to penetrate micron sized holes and close contact surfaces.

ProSolv® 5408e is highly effective when used with ultrasonics and can usually be used in existing degreasers or dip tanks. Ideal for precision cleaning and degreasing of electronics, metals and glass. It can be used to remove adhesives, fluxes, pastes, buffing compounds, greases, silicone oils, particulates, resins, waxes and other oils and soils. Soft on the environment, low solvent losses, reduced costs, sustainable and secure for the future.



  • Fast precision cleaning, short cycle times. Stable with no additives, no testing required
  • Alternative to Methylene Chloride, Perchloroethylene and High ODP/GWP Fluorocarbons
  • Excellent choice to replace flammable solvents such as MEK, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) or Hydrocarbons
  • Established replacement for Trichloroethylene, n-Propyl Bromide (nPB) and other now banned solvents
  • Can be used in any vapour degreasing equipment, lower energy consumption and lower maintenance. Compatible with a broad range of substrates
  • Improved productivity, parts exit the machine cool, dry, spot-free with no drying required
  • High density solution, excellent for ultrasonic cleaning
  • Mid-range temperature operation, easier handling, mid-range boiling point, processed components easily handled (48°C)
  • Very low surface tension for penetration into the micron level crevices and holes, efficient cleaning in tight to reach places and complex geometries
  • Easy process monitoring with minimal effort and minimal waste generation, easy reclamation for reuse
  • Minimal non-volatile residue
  • High Solvency (KB Value 98) for a variety of contaminants


  • Safe for the environment, zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
  • Very low impact on Global Warming (GWP)
  • Non-hazardous for transportation
  • Non-flammable (No Flash Point)
  • Not classified as a carcinogen

Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for ProSolv 5408e.

Visit for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form.

All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

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A Complete Range Of Metal Cleaning And Surface Treatment Solutions